Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Small realtime usecase Python codes for student to maintain proficiency

Use case 1: Write a Python code to validate the password, set by the user
Use case 2: Library management system 
Use case 3: Create a GUI application in Python for managing a basic contact book
Add Contact: Allows the user to enter a name, phone, and email, then adds the contact to the contact book.
View Contacts: Displays a list of all stored contacts.
Search Contact: Searches for a contact by name and shows the phone and email if found.
Delete Contact: Deletes a contact by name if it exists.
User Interface: Uses tkinter to create a simple GUI with input fields and buttons for interaction""""""
Use case 4: Poll Management
Use case 5:
Use case 6:

# W.A.P for chatbot Response
def chatbot_response(user_input):
user_input = user_input.lower()
if "hello" in user_input or "hi" in user_input:
return "Hello! How can I help you today?"
elif "weather" in user_input:
return "The weather is sunny today!"
return "I'm sorry, I don't understand that."

user_input = input("You: ")
response = chatbot_response(user_input)
print("Chatbot:", response)
Write a python code to validate password, set by the user
1. At least 8 characters should be present in the given password
2. At least One Capital letter & lowercase letter should present
3. At least 1 numerical value should present
4. At least 1 special character should present
5. space should not present in the given password
6. password & confirm password should be the same
password = input("Enter New password: ")
Confirm_password = input("Re-enter password: ")
"""Check if password is at least 8 characters long"""
is_valid_length = len(password) >= 8

""" Check if password contains at least one uppercase letter """
has_uppercase = any(char.isupper() for char in password)
""" Check if password contains at least one lowercase letter """
has_lowercase = any(char.islower() for char in password)
""" Check if password contains at least one digit"""
has_digit = any(char.isdigit() for char in password)

"""Check if password contains at least one special character"""
special_characters = "!@#$%^&*()-_+=<>?/|\\{}[]:;\"',."
has_special_char = any(char in special_characters for char in password)

"""Check if password does not contain any spaces"""
has_no_spaces = " " not in password

""" Printing the results """
print(f"Password: {password}")
print(f"Valid Length: {is_valid_length}")
print(f"Contains Uppercase: {has_uppercase}")
print(f"Contains Lowercase: {has_lowercase}")
print(f"Contains Digit: {has_digit}")
print(f"Contains Special Character: {has_special_char}")
print(f"Contains No Spaces: {has_no_spaces}")

""" Final validation result """
if all([is_valid_length, has_uppercase, has_lowercase, has_digit, has_special_char, has_no_spaces]) and password == Confirm_password:
print("Given Password is valid.")
print("Given Password is invalid.")


# Library management system 

# Dictionary to store books and their availability
library = {
"The Great Gatsby": {"author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald", "available": True},
"1984": {"author": "George Orwell", "available": False},
"To Kill a Mockingbird": {"author": "Harper Lee", "available": True}

# Check availability of a book
def check_availability(book_title):
if book_title in library:
availability = library[book_title]["available"]
return f"{book_title} is {'available' if availability else 'not available'}."
return f"{book_title} is not in the library."

# Print the availability of a specific book
print(check_availability("The Catcher in the Rye"))

# List all available books
available_books = [book for book, details in library.items() if details["available"]]
print("Available books:", available_books)



Create a GUI application in Python for managing a basic contact book

Add Contact: Allows the user to enter a name, phone, and email, then adds the contact to the contact book.
View Contacts: Displays a list of all stored contacts.
Search Contact: Searches for a contact by name and shows the phone and email if found.
Delete Contact: Deletes a contact by name if it exists.
User Interface: Uses tkinter to create a simple GUI with input fields and buttons for interaction"""

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
tkinter: built-in Python library for creating GUIs. It provides widgets like buttons, labels, text boxes, and more.
messagebox: This is a module within tkinter used to create pop-up dialog boxes that display information, warnings, or errors to the use"""

contacts = {}

def validate_phone(phone): # Function to validate the phone number
If the user enters a phone number with non-numeric characters or a phone number that is not exactly 10 digits long,
the program will show a warning message and stop the contact from being added.
Only if the phone number is valid (contains exactly 10 digits and no letters or symbols)
will the contact be successfully added to the contacts dictionary.
return phone.isdigit() and len(phone) == 10

def add_contact():
entry_name.get(), entry_phone.get(), and entry_email.get() retrieve the values from the input fields for the contact's name, phone number, and email.
If all three fields (name, phone, and email) are filled, the function checks if the contact already exists in the contacts dictionary.
If the contact exists, it shows a warning message using messagebox.showwarning().
If the contact is new, it adds the contact to the dictionary and shows a success message using messagebox.showinfo().
After adding, the input fields are cleared with entry_name.delete(0, tk.END) to prepare for a new entry.
If any field is left blank, it displays an input error warning.
name = entry_name.get()
phone = entry_phone.get()
email = entry_email.get()

if name and phone and email:
if not validate_phone(phone): # Validate phone number
messagebox.showwarning("Invalid Phone", "Phone number must be 10 digits long and contain only numbers.")

if name in contacts:
messagebox.showwarning("Error", f"{name} already exists.")
contacts[name] = {'phone': phone, 'email': email}
messagebox.showinfo("Success", f"Contact {name} added.")
entry_name.delete(0, tk.END)
entry_phone.delete(0, tk.END)
entry_email.delete(0, tk.END)
messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Name, phone, and email are required.")

def view_contacts(): # Function to View All Contacts
This contact list is then shown in a message box using messagebox.showinfo().
If no contacts are available, a message saying "No contacts available" is shown.

if contacts:
contact_list = "\n".join([f"Name: {name}, Phone: {info['phone']}, Email: {info['email']}"
for name, info in contacts.items()])
messagebox.showinfo("Contact List", contact_list)
messagebox.showinfo("Contact List", "No contacts available.")

def search_contact(): # Function to Search for a Contact
The function retrieves the name entered in the entry_name field.
It checks if the name exists in the contacts dictionary.
If found, it shows the contact’s phone and email in a messagebox.
If not found, it shows a message saying the contact doesn't exist.
name = entry_name.get()

if name in contacts:
contact_info = contacts[name]
messagebox.showinfo("Search Result", f"Name: {name}, Phone: {contact_info['phone']}, Email: {contact_info['email']}")
messagebox.showinfo("Search Result", f"{name} not found.")

def delete_contact(): # Function to Delete a Contact
The function retrieves the name entered in the entry_name field.
If the contact exists in the contacts dictionary, the contact is deleted using the del keyword.
A confirmation message is shown after deletion.
If the contact doesn't exist, a warning is shown
name = entry_name.get()

if name in contacts:
del contacts[name]
messagebox.showinfo("Delete", f"{name} deleted.")
messagebox.showwarning("Error", f"{name} not found.")

root = tk.Tk() # initializes the main application window.
root.title("Contact Book with Email") # sets the window's title to "Contact Book with Email"
root.geometry("400x400") # defines the size of the window (300x350 pixels)

Labels and Entry Fields:

Label() creates text labels ("Name", "Phone", "Email") to indicate the purpose of each input field.
Entry() creates input fields where users can type the name, phone number, and email.
pack(pady=5) arranges the widgets (labels and input fields) vertically in the window with some space between them (padding of 5 pixels).
label_name = tk.Label(root, text="Name")
entry_name = tk.Entry(root)

label_phone = tk.Label(root, text="Phone")
entry_phone = tk.Entry(root)

label_email = tk.Label(root, text="Email")
entry_email = tk.Entry(root)

Buttons for Operations

Button() creates clickable buttons for each operation: "Add Contact", "View Contacts", "Search Contact", and "Delete Contact".
command=... links each button to the respective function that handles the operation.
pack(pady=5) places the buttons with vertical padding between them for a better layout

btn_add = tk.Button(root, text="Add Contact", command=add_contact)

btn_view = tk.Button(root, text="View Contacts", command=view_contacts)

btn_search = tk.Button(root, text="Search Contact", command=search_contact)

btn_delete = tk.Button(root, text="Delete Contact", command=delete_contact)

root.mainloop() starts the event loop of the application.
This keeps the window open and responsive, waiting for user interactions such as button clicks and text input.


# polling system  (EVM machine results printing)
# Dictionary to store poll results
poll_results = {
"Option A": 50,
"Option B": 50,
"Option C": 50,
"Option D": 50

# Adding new votes
def add_vote(option):
if option in poll_results:
poll_results[option] += 1
poll_results[option] = 1

# Add votes
add_vote("Option A")
add_vote("Option B")
add_vote("Option E")
add_vote("Option B")
# Print poll results
for option, votes in poll_results.items():
print(f"{option}: {votes} votes")


""" Sentiment analysis

 Example text to analyze"""
# text = "I love this product! It is amazing and works perfectly. I am very happy with it."

""" Lists of positive and negative words """
# positive_words = ["love", "amazing", "happy", "good", "great", "fantastic", "excellent", "positive", "enjoy"]
# negative_words = ["hate", "terrible", "bad", "worse", "awful", "horrible", "negative", "sad", "angry"]

"""Convert text to lowercase to ensure case-insensitive comparison """
# text_lower = text.lower()

""" Initialize counters for positive and negative words """
# positive_count = 0
# negative_count = 0

""" Count positive words in the text """
# for word in positive_words:
# positive_count += text_lower.count(word)

""" Count negative words in the text """
# for word in negative_words:
# negative_count += text_lower.count(word)

""" Determine the overall sentiment """
# if positive_count > negative_count:
# sentiment = "Positive"
# elif negative_count > positive_count:
# sentiment = "Negative"
# else:
# sentiment = "Neutral"

""" Print the results """
# print(f"Text: {text}")
# print(f"Positive words count: {positive_count}")
# print(f"Negative words count: {negative_count}")
# print(f"Overall sentiment: {sentiment}")



Request: If you find this information useful, please provide your valuable comments


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