adb devices -l
List of devices attached
12xxxxxxxx345 device product:xxx model:xxxxx device:yyy transport_id:1
12xxxxxx5Ex50 device product: xxxx model:xxxx device:yyy transport_id:2
Copy Files from Computer to Phone
If you want to copy files from your computer to your phone using adb.
adb -s serial_number push <source> <destination>
Ex1: adb -s 24x30x02x3 push C:\Narendra\poject_location\configutration.js /sdcard/configutration.js
Ex2: adb -s 24x30x02x3 push C:\Narendra\result.xml /sdcard/downoads/result.xml
Note: Donot forget to replace [source] and [destination] with actual file paths.
you can copy files from your phone to your computer using adb
adb -s serial_number pull <source> <destination>
Ex: adb -s 24x30x02x3 pull /sdcard/downoads/result.xml C:\Narendra\result.xml
install apk in connected mobile devices:
To decrease/increase the resolution of the connected device
adb -s <device serial_number> shell wm density 130
To get device build version and all firmware related info:
step1 : adb devices -l
step2 : adb -s <serial_number> shell
step3 : getprop | grep -i build
To get product name
adb -s <device serial_number> shell getprop ro.product.name
product_name will be displayed
======================================================== =
step 1: Download firmware, place somewhere & then through command prompt move to that location step 2: adb devices -l
Expected result: connected device's serial_ numbers should display
optional part: check for existing firmware info of the device.
adb -s <serial_number> shell <enter>
getprop | grep -i build
step 3: adb -s serial_number reboot bootloader
step 4: fastboot devices -l
Expected result: that specific device serial only should display under fastboot devices list
step 5: check the serial number properly by using the command: fastboot oem SYS_SN
step 6: Run the .bat file directly (>xxxxxxxxxs.bat enter) wait till you have observed pass or success on the command prompt
step 7: wait for some time reason: the device will restart after firmware flashed
step 8: optional part: check for existing firmware info of the device.
adb -s <serial_number> shell <enter>
getprop | grep -i build
step 9: After the flashing process is completed make sure that you have installed the required apk s on your device, before executing test cases.
C:\...\....\...\\Common\Android>adb -s <device serial_number> push eap.cer /sdcard/
eap.cer: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 1.6 MB/s (1186 bytes in 0.001s)
C:\...\....\...\Common\Android>adb -s <device serial_number> push eap.p12 /sdcard/
eap.p12: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 4.2 MB/s (4004 bytes in 0.001s)
W.A.P If os_type is android "Launches wifi Settings page"
def launch_wifi_settings_page (os_type,deviceID):
'''Launches wifi Settings page
INPUT: ``os_type`` :- DUT OS
``deviceID`` :- Device ID in case of Android
OUTPUT: Launches wifi Settings page
if(os_type == "Android"):
run_adb_command("adb -s "+deviceID +" shell am start -a android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS")
return 1
raise AssertionError("$os_type not supported")
Request: If you find this information useful, please provide your valuable comments.
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