Sunday, October 24, 2021

Manual testing basic interview questions

===============MANUAL  TESTING BASIC IQ’S=================
                                        Not completed yet

Manual testing basic interview questions :

è Difference between Sanity testing and Regression? 

Sanity testing:

Once we get the build from the developer's end QA engineers will flash that build and then start surface-level testing with high-priority test cases based on the sanity report we can decide whether we can accept or reject the build to execute the remaining test cases this surface-level testing is called sanity testing.


.       Whenever complex bugs are fixed/patched in a system, typically which affect the core areas of the system, regression tests are used to retest all the modules of the system.

è What is Retesting?

            We will retest the same test case once again to ensure it’s working perfectly.

è What is the difference between severity and priority?

        Severity means how severe a defect is affecting functionality.

        Priority means how fast the defect has to be fixed.

è  Difference between a Bug and a defect?

    A bug is a hidden defect they are captured in the user environment.

    A defect is a specification that is missing present but wrong captured in the control environment

è What is sanity testing?

     Refer to the above 1st question

è What is regression testing?

      Refer to the above 1st question

è What is Functional testing?

    Functional tests check for the correctness of the output concerning the input defined in the specification. 

è what is Non-Functional testing?

    Refer Document: Testing basics by Narendra

è What is the difference between manual  & automation testing?

    Refer Document: Testing basics by Narendra

è What is the difference between black box & white box testing?

    Refer Document: Testing basics by Narendra

è Do you know STLC? explain it.

    Refer Document: Testing basics by Narendra

è Which life cycle have you used in your project?

      Ans: Agile

è Which bug tracking or Issue tracking tool have you used in your project?

    JIRA & Bugzilla (Refer Document: "Testing Basics by Narendra Boyina")

for more questions and Testing concepts read my book "Testing Basics by Narendra Boyina"

Please provide your valuable comments

Thursday, October 14, 2021

adb commands


To use ADB commands, we have to install adb-setup-1.4.3.exe (your flexible version)
==> Download the above software. Double click on it.

 ==> Click on next and Finish it. after that from the command prompt, you can use adb commands.


To get the list of connected devices with serial numbers and details:

adb devices -l 

List of devices attached

12xxxxxxxx345       device product:xxx model:xxxxx device:yyy transport_id:1

12xxxxxx5Ex50         device product: xxxx model:xxxx device:yyy transport_id:2


Copy Files from Computer to Phone

If you want to copy files from your computer to your phone using adb

adb -s serial_number push <source> <destination>

Ex1: adb -s 24x30x02x3 push  C:\Narendra\poject_location\configutration.js  /sdcard/configutration.js

Ex2: adb -s 24x30x02x3 push  C:\Narendra\result.xml  /sdcard/downoads/result.xml

Note: Donot forget to replace [source] and [destination] with actual file paths.


you can copy files from your phone to your computer using adb

adb -s serial_number pull <source> <destination>

Ex: adb -s 24x30x02x3 pull   /sdcard/downoads/result.xml  C:\Narendra\result.xml 


install apk in connected mobile devices:

adb -s <device serial_number> install "path/to/file.apk" 
Note: Before installing the latest apk, uninstall old apk
uninstall apk on connected mobile devices:

adb -s <device serial_number> uninstall xxxxxxx.apk 


To decrease/increase the resolution of the connected device

adb -s <device serial_number> shell wm density 130


To get the mobile wifi  configuration values
adb -s <device serial_number> shell dumpsys wifi
How to Check the device either in the fastboot mode?
fastboot devices -l
If a device is in fastboot mode.! How to change the device to adb mode.
adb -s <serial_number>  fastboot reboot

To get device build version and all firmware related info:

step1 : adb devices -l  

step2 : adb -s <serial_number> shell

step3 : getprop | grep -i build


To get product name

adb -s <device serial_number> shell getprop

product_name will be displayed

======================================================== =

To get the build date  
command: adb -s serial_number shell uname -a
Responce : Linux localhost #1 SMP XXXXXXX Mon Dec 6 01:32:26 IST 2021 armv7l


Android Firmware Flashing process:

step 1: Download firmware, place somewhere & then through command prompt move to that location  step 2: adb devices -l  

            Expected result: connected device's serial_ numbers should display

optional part: check for existing firmware info of the device.

                        adb -s <serial_number> shell <enter> 

                        getprop | grep -i build

step 3: adb -s serial_number reboot bootloader

step 4: fastboot devices -l 

            Expected result: that specific device serial only should display under fastboot devices list

step 5:  check the serial number properly by using the command: fastboot oem SYS_SN

step 6: Run the .bat file directly  (>xxxxxxxxxs.bat enter) wait till you have observed pass or success on the command prompt  

step 7: wait for some time reason: the device will restart after firmware flashed

step 8: optional part: check for existing firmware info of the device.

                        adb -s <serial_number> shell <enter> 

                        getprop | grep -i build

step 9: After the flashing process is completed make sure that you have installed the required apk s on your device, before executing test cases.


fastboot reboot


installation of certificates:

C:\...\....\...\\Common\Android>adb -s  <device serial_number> push eap.cer /sdcard/

eap.cer: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 1.6 MB/s (1186 bytes in 0.001s)

C:\...\....\...\Common\Android>adb -s <device serial_number>  push eap.p12 /sdcard/

eap.p12: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 4.2 MB/s (4004 bytes in 0.001s)


W.A.P  If os_type is android "Launches wifi Settings page"

def launch_wifi_settings_page (os_type,deviceID):

'''Launches wifi Settings page

INPUT: ``os_type``  :- DUT OS

``deviceID``  :- Device ID in case of Android

        OUTPUT: Launches wifi Settings page


if(os_type == "Android"):

run_adb_command("adb -s "+deviceID +" shell am start -a android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS")

return 1


raise AssertionError("$os_type not supported")


      Request: If you find this information useful, please provide your valuable comments.